Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Gore: Environment scientists say “10 years left”

A report on the BBC website had a ominous ring to it about the dangers of climate change that many are chosing to ignore at their own peril about damage done to the Global Environment.

It's a picture albeit painted by former US Vice President - Al Gore - about the dangers of climate change and the continued damage wrought to our environement as well as raising fears about the growing problem.

Unfortunatly it's something being dragged into Political views - but - it is a real problem that needs to be addressed. Sadly the messenger - not the message is heard. Shame really all the politcal swings and continued plays by "big energy" to keep things as they are — an cintense lobby and funds to keep the world fosilzed fueled - and keeping the route of damaging the planet. Read more »

| news, freedom of speech, News and politics, asia, health, Democrats, philippines, Filipino, Bush, Rants, Raves, Whathaveyou..., Global Warming, protests, republican, free speech, border security, Al Gore, filipino-american

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